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Crux Linux

Notes about a Crux Linux post-install configuration and settings.

When the installation in done, Crux Linux runs really fast. When booted, It takes less then 10 seconds to be ready. And then, what we do with a fresh Crux Linux? We log in, create a new user, try some shell command, update the ports system, configure X and son on. But, soon or later, things goes a little wrong and we could loose the control we are having on our fresh installed system. We may realize that we are missing some comfort with the shell: for example, the bash completion doesn't work as “is used to be” or the shell history is lost when we close the terminal session. Why, what is going on? Nothing, really nothing. It is because the Bash shell in Crux Linux is “minimal” and configured with just its “vital” settings. We need to configure everything.


One approach is to configure Crux Linux bottom-to-top, starting by getting real comfort after configuring 2 files.

Crux Linux /etc/skel

Linux Crux has no idea about /etc/skel directory. That directory doesn't exist. It means, when a new user is added to the system, that user $HOME directory is empty. With such environment, Bash doesn't source any start up configuration files as .bash_profile or .bashrc.

Configure Bash

In this section, we will provide a minimum set of configuration file which are “required” to give to Crux Linux a useful shell.

Create the following file:


if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc


if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

unset rc
export PS1="[\w]\n\u@\h $ "

crux.txt · Last modified: February 2025 by admin

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